Xiamen sea super craf***nship trade,The safe protection mirror which the popular movement eyeglasses are for likes the public figure which sport design,May maximum limit protect your eye The popular movement eyeglasses lens use are one high quality optics lens carbon material poly Carbonate are called the PC lens,The ability suitable degree i***ct does not send ÆÆËé;Can the cloudy certainly glare and the harmful ultraviolet ray,Avoids it to the eye injury,Safeguards the eye the security The popular movement eyeglasses frame uses TR90 (¼ÇÒäÐÔ revertex) the material,Produces by the Swiss EMS Corporation patent,Is the present eyeglasses uses in the compound materials one of top gear material qualities,Has the weight to be lightThe intensity tenacity is hi***ears the booklet to rubThe anti- distortion is strong and so on the characteristic The popular movement eyeglasses body conforms to the kinesiology and the wind resistance design,The modelling and the painting outward appearance proper attention to both is practical and the decoration request,Also suits in the non- movement when wears The quality is our eternal pursue! The service is our sincere pledge! The price is a superiority which we competes!